Thursday, November 6, 2014

Week 43 Thursday (11/6/14)

Recipe Review
Today’s Recipe and Location:           Cranberry Sauce
Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays
                  Pages:  256 - 257      Copyright:  2013  Harper Collins OR

         I love the fact that Ree makes homemade cranberry sauce. Most people that I know, open a can of a jiggly mass and serve it on a plate. That’s the only cranberry sauce that I have ever seen. The process in the recipe doesn’t look too difficult, but this is a new one for me.
         Just think – cranberries are a great source of anti-inflamatories as well as antioxidents, so you get a healthy dose of each on Thanksgiving. Who knew?  I only knew it was great for urinary tract infections. The things we learn each day.

Random Reflections              

         Recently, I discovered another upcoming cost for next spring. The top board of my gate is beginning to rot and one of the bolts is in soft rotting wood. Bummer. Owning a house always has unexpected costs, and I am prepared, even though it is a real drag. I recommend you check the outside of your homes for those unexpected little surprises that you will need to deal with in the spring.

Yikes!  Look at the spider webs!

Thank Heavens the bottom bolt is secure
Irksome Ideas and Images       

         Why are people so lazy?  I was driving by the field outside of Walmart and there stood a lone shopping cart, aka buggy for those in the South. Why leave it there? Why is it even in the field?  Couldn’t someone just return it to the cart corral?  I will never understand some people.

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