Saturday, August 16, 2014

Week 31 Saturday (8/16/14)

Recipe Review         
Today’s Recipe and Location:           Pizza Crust
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl
                           Pages       Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins OR
******This is not the pizza I made, but it is the wonderful pie crust recipe.

I figured out that there are 1,231 calories for the entire pizza, or 69 cal.if cut into 18 slices or 82 calories for 15 slices.. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

Since I wasn't using it until the next day,
I wrapped it securely in plastic wrap.

This is when it went beserk, and started rising again in the fridge.
One punch and it returned to its previous state.

       I really like this pizza dough. It is easy to make, but you need to read the directions so you notice that it must rise for almost two hours. The taste is wonderful, and the recipe is actually a breeze to make. A great part is that this recipe makes two large pizzas. I made the first pizza (Potato-Leek) on one day. Two days later, I made the second pizza (Pepperoni with Black Olives). The dough can stay in the refrigerator for up to three days. I did laugh when I looked in the fridge and saw that the dough was trying to rise. I worked with it for a minute and it returned to small size. I had wrapped it up in saran wrap so it didn’t rise too much. I just thought it was funny to see it all puffed up the next day.

Random Reflections

Yard Art

         I have several plaques in my garden. Some were gifts and some I just had to buy.  What I really love about them is they add an additional interest on the deck and in the gardens.

I love this plaque because it is so true.
It takes a lot of work to make a beautiful garden,
but it is sooooooo worthwhile.


Helpful Home Hints

         One of the things I am consistent about is deck cleaning and sealing. My deck is about 15 years old and it has held up amazingly well due to keeping it clean and sealed. I keep hearing about a company called Deck Teck on the radio and am thinking about having them work on my deck next summer and getting it in tip top shape. For 15 years, all I have done to the deck is to power wash it and seal it with a clear sealer. The deck has no rotten wood, which is a result of the sealer. The only problem is that in the winter it becomes quite slick because the water doesn’t sink in to the word but freezes on top of the boards. A wood deck can last if you treat it well.

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