Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week 31 Monday (8/11/14)

Recipe Review

Today’s Recipe and Location:           Migas
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman blog

         In Argentina, the miga is a type of light sandwich with typically ham and cheese. Ree’s migas use tortillas with breakfast fillings. I do think they look interesting but for some reason they just don’t call to me. I like everything in them but the tomatoes but I passed anyway. I hope you enjoy them.

Random Reflections - Bucket List

         I miss my Florida/Alabama friends and need to make it a priority to return to the South. As much as I dislike the weather and humidity, I adore the people and friends I left behind. I promised Kathy and Turk that the first trip I make after retiring will be to visit them in Alabama, and I will definitely keep that promise.

Becky’s Bucket List #20
Return to Florida/Alabama and see old friends
Play tennis again
Learn to play bridge
Have an inground pool
Finish writing a book on the Scent Family
Save up enough money for a down payment on my Kentucky house
Research every town in Kentucky in hopes of relocating
Work on learning calligraphy and bettering daily penmanship
Begin making my own clothing using a mannequin
Volunteer at an animal rescue
Visit all 50 states
Photography courses
Complete all of Mom’s and my scrapbooks
Go skiing again in Colorado
Meet the Duggar family
Watch every nominee and winner for the Academy Awards to date
Remodel my kitchen
Take piano lessons
Write 2 books for my great-nephews
Travel to Wales
Travel to Scotland
Alaskan cruise

Why Weight?

8/3                  Sunday                  1,775 calories         nothing                 
8/4                  Monday                 1,798 calories         Curves                 
8/5                  Tuesday                 1,595 calories         Curves
8/6                  Wednesday             1,844 calories         Curves
8/7                  Thursday                1,627 calories         Curves
8/9                   Friday                    1,657 calories         Curves
8/10                 Saturday                1,786 calories         nothing

Goal:             78.1 lbs.         (100 lb. loss between 6/1/14 – 6/1/15)
                  -    6.6 lbs.         this week’s loss
                     71.5  lbs.        to go

         Wow! Two amazing weeks in a row. I lost 7.4 pounds last week and 6.6 pounds this week for a total of 14.0 pounds in two weeks.  I know it won’t last, but I am pretty darn happy right now.  Okay, only 71.5 lbs to go before next June.

Sun.                    8/3                 3,777 steps              2,391 calories burned
Mon.                   8/4               10,517 steps              2,982 calories burned
Tues.                   8/5                7,039 steps               2,771 calories burned
Wed.`                  8/6                8,516 steps               2,866 calories burned
Thurs.                 8/7               12,963 steps               3,184 calories burned
Fri.                      8/9                 9,867 steps               2,953 calories burned
Sat.                     8/10                5,286 steps               2,509 calories burned

         A big bummer in the step department. Instead of getting at least three days of 10,000 steps, I only had two days over 10,000. Maybe next week will be better.

Wants and Wishes

         I am so frustrated with the Illinois political powers. One party is not better than the other in this state. I have never been a particularly political person, but I know that the Illinois government continues to have politicians that are only out for themselves.  I wish that we had some honest people who think of the state and its people and their needs first.

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