Thursday, July 31, 2014

Week 29 Thursday (7/31/14)

Recipe Review        
Today’s Recipe and Location:           Delicious Baked Fudge
Found in: The Pioneer Woman blog

I figured out that there are 452 calories per serving, if 4 servings are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

These are the small ones I made at first that were a soupy mess1

These two were the larger containers. 

This is the one I baked right on the shelf that
basically came out like a brownie.

       Talk about a quick dessert.  This went together in minutes, but the 45 minutes it took to bake is where all of the time went. I made this is a small ramekin, even though she said to use the large one, and put them in a water bath. They came out looking exactly like the picture – which always makes me happy.  It has a rich flavor and adding ice cream would be the secret ingredient to perfection, however I screwed up because I used a small ramekin rather than a large one and I didn’t beat the eggs in the mixer.  Now I have to redo this recipe.
       I redid the recipe and it pretty much came out the same way. It is too liquidy on the bottom, but we liked the crusty top.
         Nicole told me she wouldn’t serve these because the person eating it would think she screwed up the brownie recipe.  I totally agree with her. I tried something else new – I just cooked the ramekin on the shelf without thee water bath and I got a brownie-like dessert – much better.
Would I make this recipe again? – nope.

Here's a New Product!

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Random Reflections - The Glorious Garden
Geranium “striatum” Cranesbill
         Today’s flower of the week is the geranium “striatum” cranesbill. This is such a beautiful addition to my front (on the driveway) flower bed. The flowers are delicate and a pretty light pink color. I did plant them in full sun, which they can handle. They are also on an incline so the drainage is great.

This is an extreme close-up as you can see from the next pictures

You can see how they are a ground cover

The flowers are so little and pretty

         This plant is really easy to care for, as all I do is weed around it and make sure it gets water if we have a drought. The rabbits don’t eat this plant, but they have dug an indent under the foliage and use it as a safe haven. Many a rabbit have suddenly scared me to death as I walk down to get the paper, and they scamper under my feet.
         They can spread 18 to 24 inches and have a height of 6 to 8 inches tall. This is a great plant if you could use some beautiful ground cover or enjoy delicate flowers.

Irksome Ideas and Images

         I am about to bring up a truly important issue that most people feel quite strongly about when asked. Should toilet paper go under or over when placed on the dispenser?  Yes – this is a true issue for some of us. No it is not a world issue, but it is kinda fun to talk or write about.
         This girl is quite adamant that the toilet paper should always go over so it doesn’t unwrap when a child or pet grabs it, and runs out of the room. I must admit that I have even been known to change it on the dispenser in someone else’s home while visiting. Is that horrible?  Have you ever done that or am I the only toilet paper Nazi out there???  Come on, admit it. Please, admit it.

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