Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016

What the Beck???

Stopka Wedding

     The Stopka family has played a huge part in my life. I love all of them, as if I were a part of their family. I always felt welcome in their homes, and I feel so blessed to know each and every one of them. Thanks to Mom, Nancy Stopka, I entered college in Florida. She also helped me find a job that I loved after I moved there. She has been a strong influence in my life, and I was thrilled to see her at this wedding. 
     Kathy, has been my best friend, since I was seven years old. I have always admired her and love her husband and kids, too.
This was a very special day for me. A big thank you to Christina, Shirley, and Tom for inviting me to this wedding. 
      Enjoy the photos of the day.

Here comes the bride...and Dad
Chrissy and Tom Stopka

Her dress was beautiful

The wedding was held on a path at St. James
 Farm between white field fences.
What a beautiful day and location for a wedding.

Chrissy and Matt

Amy Kirchler, Kathy's daughter, gave one of the readings.

And I pronounce you man and wife...

A very happy couple

Usher Tom Stopka escorts Grandma Nancy Stopka

My best friend, Kathy Stopka Kirchler 
and her husband Mike, aka "Turk"

Kathy's daughter , Amy

Brian Stopka and his youngest sister, 
Suzanne Lehmann.

Brian and Rhonda Stopka

Laura Stopka

Two of my favorite people: Mary Stopka Clickner 
and Laura Stopka

Kathy's sister Jane Stopka Bigda, and in the background 
on the left is youngest brother, Albert

Shannon and Albert Stopka

The receiving line

Kathy and Turk

The three of us

and again

Laura, Kathy, Mary, and I
Where was Suzanne???

The nine Stopka children with their amazing Mom, Nancy
(L - R) Tom, Suzanne, Brian, Kathy, David, 
Nancy, Laura, Jane, Mary, and Albert

and again

and again

I love this photo, too.

At the reception at Marmion, Turk gives me a grin
My photos of David and Chris were too dark to use - darn it!

Nancy and Aunt Elaine

a disappearing, Amy

Emily, Rhonda, Melanie, and Amy

This is a former student of mine, Caitlyn.

Laura, Amy, and Kathy

Laura, Kathy, and I

A fun time was had by all...especially me!!!

1 comment:

  1. These photos are great Becky!!! Matt and I are so happy you came to the wedding and we love seeing all the pictures, you got great shots!

    Love, Chrissy (Stopka) Sullivan
