Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

What the Beck???

Happy Holidays!
Some people spend the holidays sitting in front of a
roaring fire and reading a book.
I feel the need to get something big accomplished
every day, regardless of the holiday.
This is sad and pitiful and I know it, 
but I thought I would share Christmas morning
in my home with all of you.

I never wear fingernail polish, because I can't sit still 
long enough to let it totally set up, so I 
decided to give one hour to the process.
I actually love the way they looked.
Jenny - don't ya love'em?
Who knew???

     The reason my hair and nails are growing so quickly is due to a product by Nature's Bounty called Extra Strength Hair, Skin & Nails.  It has 5,000 mcg of Biotin. Of course, I know nothing about Biotin, but my nails are wonderful. Thank you Nature's Bounty!

Puzzle Mania

This is a partial sampling of the puzzle closet.
I always have a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table
throughout the winter.
The boxes with the white handles each contain
five puzzles.  That's a lot of puzzles!
After I finish the puzzle, it goes in the basement in
the Kentucky packed boxes. 
This way I feel an accomplishment when I finish
a puzzle, and have already packed it for the move.
It really is relaxing to work on a puzzle.
When was the last time you did one???

Here is the puzzle I was working on Christmas week.

A puzzle tip:  I sort my pieces into shapes to make it easier.
Yes Steve - I know you and Jenny are laughing at this
extremely important tip, because it is sooooo me!

Making progress!!!

"I love it when a plan comes together."
Does anyone know the name of the show where
that quote comes from??
It was a really dumb show (answer below)

These are a must to purchase for your home!

I love these chair leg protectors.
I didn't use the pads in my house,
 because I have tile flooring,
and the plastic protectors are better,
 so the chairs slide easily.

If I had wood flooring, I would use the pads on top 
of the plastic to save my floors.

I am a little off center, but it worked great!

Quote answer:  

The A-Team
I told you it was a dumb show.

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