Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Week 14 Tuesday (4/8/14)

Recipe Review       

Today’s Recipe and Location:  PW’s Potato Skins
         Found in: The Pioneer Woman Cooks:  Recipes from an Accidental Country Girl
                  Pages  22-24     Copyright:  2009  Harper Collins

I figured out that there are 208 calories per serving, if 16 servings (1/2 a potato) are made. (Please note that the calorie counts vary depending on the specific brands of ingredients that you choose to use.)

         I have already told you how much I love potatoes.  Potato skins are just another example of a great party food. I don’t have too much to say because I think almost all potato skins are alike. These were good.  I love the sour cream and bacon. They were crispy and wonderful.

Why Weight?

         “Danger, Danger, Will Robinson.” You are getting close to being successful. Sometimes I think I have a fear of success when it comes to my weight. I have stayed within 10 pounds of my 116 pound weight loss for three months. Sometimes I am two pounds over and sometimes ten.
         I know what I am doing when I binge, but it seems frantic and erratic. The stress over the past month hasn’t helped a bit. But enough excuses – overcoming this fear is monumental for me. I was only four pounds from my first goal and then I self sabotaged. I began anew yesterday. I am recommitted to my goals and aspirations and need to get focused. 

My Gorgeous Girls       

         The hunt for the cause of the lost protein in sweet Willow continued through the week of Spring Break.  Last Saturday, she had another fasting blood test. This test had to be sent to Texas for analysis. I will hear about the results sometime this week. On Wednesday, she had a biopsy to check her intestines as a possible cause.  The surgery went very well and she was able to come home on Thursday. She was a little loopy during the day but she woke up Friday morning more perky like her normal demeanor.
         She is taking meds for pain so she sleeps more than usual. She also is very tentative on stairs but other than that she is her sweet loving self. 
         So far so good.  I pray that everything works out well.

Thank Heavens we still have no symptoms, yet!

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